September 29, 2011

1st day

The first day of school

I realize this post is a month late, but that's life with a newborn for ya.

these 3 were beyond excited to start school.

Gracie is now a grade 6-er, which is considered middle school.
I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I swear I just sent her to preschool.
But she LOVES it, especially having a locker.

Sades started grade 5.
She was probably the most excited - especially to pick out her school supplies. 
I'm not sure what it is about new school supplies that they get so excited about.
But I remember being the exact same way when I was that age.

Ryder is a big grade 3-er now. He is excited that he is in his Auntie Brett's class this year.
And he is pretty dang excited for hockey season to start.
Me - not so much (refering to the hockey, not brett:)

I always get a little sad seeing them walk out to the bus.
They all look so grown up.
But I am looking forward to much quieter days :)

Now this little gal.
She started preschool the next week.
She was SOO excited.

Being the lucky fourth child
I let her choose out of the vast array of hand-me-down backpacks.
And of course she chose the pony one. 
They always choose the pony one.
This backpack has gone through all 3 of my girls 
so I kind of like it.

ok this picture makes me want to cry!
Where did my little baby girl go??


Debbie said...

So sweet pats... I started getting misty there for a second. And I still get excited to pick out new pens and stuff.

Kaleigh and Kevin said...

Maysa does look so big in these pictures! Great ideas for beginning of the year photos. Are you too busy to think about doing newborn pictures in the near future?

Jamey and Michelle said...

Your children are all soo beautiful! The pony backpack is so cute, I want one.