October 25, 2010

summer recap

Ok, I was gonna do a separate post for everything we did in the summer, but then I got wicked overwhelmed (not to mention we're almost done with october already), so just a quick recap is all you're gonna get. Oh yah, and a butt-load of pictures.

Summer usually includes a lot of trips to Waterton, which by the way, is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Ok maybe not the planet, but living on the flat prarie, this is about as pretty as anything we ever get to see.
the kiddos at Cameron Lake
I love this picture of my parents. So cute!

This summer Jimmy and I along with some friends of ours, went to the Calgary Stampede. It was so much fun to get out (sans kids) and the grandstand show in the evening was FANTASTIC! Seriously so cool. I think we're definately making this an annual thing.
what's with the baseball cap, cowboy husband of mine??

A highlight of every summer is the Danny Balderson basketball camp, put on none other than my older bro Danny. This year was it's 11th year (i think). I think I've helped out at the camp pretty much every year, with the exception of a few years when my kids were babies. It's always a good time, and my kids LOVE it. It's so fun now that the three olders are able to go.
3 monkeys
the kids had so much fun with their cousins

Probably the biggest highlight of the summer was that my 93 year old grandpa went through the temple for the first time and was able to get sealed to our family. It was soo cool to be there and to have my whole family there.
as you can tell, the sun was shining

my cute little nephew westin

The town celebrations are always a blast, and this year our little family rode our horses in the parades.

I'm fairly certain that there is NOTHING cuter than itty-bitty cowboys. 

Ok, maybe itty-bitty cowGIRLS are cuter!!
While my fam was up, I took some family pictures. With the exception of less than ideal lighting and everyone scrambling to get to church on time, it went well.
these are always the best pictures. complete chaos!!
my brother Jimmy's cuties
all the sibs

Other events of the summer -- waterslide at the stake campground

 Writing on Stone

LOTS of swimming

and many trips to the lake

Phewf!!! That was a long post. I don't blame you if you lost interest after the first few pictures. That was a doozy. But I've blogged my summer (for the most part anyways), and now I'm gonna go do something more productive.

1 comment:

Baldersons said...

Cute pics...I am going to need you to give me camera tips!