March 3, 2011

it's a ...

Yah - we're a tiny bit excited around here!

   Ryder was starting to wonder if he'd ever get a brother (and so was I). And I totally thought I was gonna have a girl this time, so what an awesome surprise. Of course we would have been happy with a girl too - who wouldn't want another one of these

 Anyways, I was so excited I had to pull out all my boy clothes today and see what I had - after all it's been 8 years since I've had a boy. That only got me more excited to see all the little blue onesies and sleepers. 

  So I've been thinking a lot lately about finding out the sex of the baby while you're pregnant. I have some friends who gave me some flack about finding out. These are my thoughts on the topic. Finding out, for me, kind of breaks up the pregnancy. 9 months is SUCH a long time, and it's nice to get that little surprise half way through. It kind of refuels me so I can get through the rest of the pregnancy. I'm so excited now to start making blankets and shopping for the baby. I feel like it is so overwhelming and life-changing when you actually have the baby, and that finding out the sex then, just kind of adds to that overwhelming feeling. Plus, I kinda like knowing what's growing and kicking inside me - it kind of feels a little less alien-ish. It's also nice to be totally prepared when the baby comes- cause seriously, who wants to shop for baby clothes the weeks following giving birth (especially with 4 other kids tagging along)? Not me. Finding out isn't for everyone, but I love knowing what I'm having. 

 This is the good 'ole belly at 20 weeks. It's funny (well actually pretty sad) that I have next to no pictures of me when I was pregnant with my other 4 kids. How does that happen? That's like over 3 years of my life that I've spent pregnant. And maybe 4 or 5 pictures. Maybe it's because the maternity clothes back then were hideous (believe me, they have come a LONG way since then), and mostly I just wore the hubs clothes. So attractive I know.  So I guess it's a good thing there are no reminders of that. So this pregnancy I told myself I would take lots of pictures, since this could very well be my last. Don't expect to see my head in the pictures though, that would require me to actually put on makeup and do my hair, which, lets be serious, doesn't happen everyday. 

 just another one and an outfit change. Thanks to Sadie, my little photography assistant.

 so this pregnancy has been going good except for the first half being spent on pins and needles and thinking I was gonna miscarry any day. A couple previous miscarriages will do that to you. It was pretty nervewracking but it's definately made me appreciate the total miracle of hearing a little heartbeat for the first time. And now to feel every kick is so amazing. I don't think I fully realized how incredible it was with my other four. So I guess losing those babies has given me such a greater love and appreciation for this pregnancy and this little babe that's inside me. Seriously, SUCH a miracle! I can't wait to meet him!

 Here's a few more pics of my little Maysa. The poor child gets so tired of me constantly taking her picture (not that you can tell that from these shots - she can sure turn it on it a second). And I promise I have more kids that just this one. The others are just lucky they are at school all day while the lighting is optimal. I'm am so aching for spring so I can go outside and take pictures. I'm SOO done with winter!! Ugg.

ok now I want another girl. Maybe this won't be my last :)


Debbie said...

Patso I am so excited. You need to come up to Edmonton for a shopping trip to outfit your little boy. Seriously carters, mexx, gap, h&m outlets etc. etc. etc. across the street from me. You need to come. Wait until its not -40 though.

Debbie said...

Oh and Maysa is a doll.... makes me want a girl (but not for a looooong time)

Unknown said...

Hey Patti,
So exciting! I didn't know you were expecting. I love looking at all your photo's (helps that your kiddos are so cute!!) I'd love to get a nice camera and take a few courses someday!

Nick and Melanie Munns said...

Love, love, love your blog Patti! Congratulations on another little boy. Your kids are seriously so cute!