April 8, 2012


My little Sadie is now an eleven year old. 
How did that happen??

Sadie is my one child that actually likes getting her picture taken (hence the massive amount of pics in this post).
Ok maybe like is too strong of a word.
Let's just say she is the only one that doesn't bolt the second she sees my camera (usually).

Sadie is my little miss crafty pants.
She would rather do that than anything.
She can make anything out of nothing.
It's quite amazing actually.

She is also my little fashionista(sp?).
She's been doing her own hair for years now and she is so good at it. She can straighten, curl, french braid, you name it.
It's so nice to have one less girls hair to do in the morning.
Sometimes I even get her to do Maysa's (and sometimes even gracie's) hair. It is so nice!
I never have to remind her to do her hair, because it is always done (unlike her older sis :))

Sadie is my stubborn child and won't stop until she gets what she wants. So after much,much whining pursuading, her pushover mother gave in and let her have just a few friends over for a late night party. Let's just say, I am not the biggest fan of big birthday parties with tons of friends (been there done that). Mainly because I'm a lazy parent. But also because I swear my kids get invited to b-day parties pretty much weekly. So annoying.

Sadie is getting pretty fun to shop for. She no longer cares for toys whatsoever. She is now into clothes, straighteners, hair things and products, nail polish etc. Right up my ally. For her birthday I got her her own straightener and she was thrilled to pieces. Her sibs tease her constantly about being a girly-girl, to which she strongly denies.

 Here's a few pics of the girly on her birthday.

what a poser!!

her new bike

Sadie and her besties, Avery and Savannah.

 yah I know the cake is amazing. Just call me Martha. 
Thank you pinterest :)

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Happy Birthday Sades! Its about time we got a hair dresser in the family. And that cake is pretty amazing!