November 4, 2011


Ok, so this post is like 2 months overdue but I'm doing it anyways.
Maybe someday I'll actually be caught up on my blogging.
But probably not.

So anyways, the 3 older kids have been doing a mini rodeo circuit
the past couple of years,
and they love it.

Other than the fact that our horses are young and inexperienced in the patterns, 
they do pretty good.

This little girlie will start rodeoing next year.
And she CAN'T wait!

They do events such as barrel racing, pole bending, flag picking, goat tying/untying, and cattle sorting. 

I can't tell you they're the most exciting rodeos I've ever seen.
Because they're not.
It's definately NOT the NFR.

But the kids enjoy it and are getting pretty good.

And yes, we have since bought Gracie longer wranglers.
I swear this kid grows out of jeans every 5 minutes.
At this rate she's gonna be 7 feet tall!

And I can't end a post without a picture of my little 
heart Breaker. :)

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