June 18, 2011

36 weeks

so I've made it to the 36 week mark.
I thought I had better get a photo shoot in before
this babe makes his appearance.

this was not an easy thing for me to do.
Getting pictures of my puffy preggo self is not my favorite thing.
And I am very puffy.
I think I retain 80% of my water
in my face.

I feel kind of silly putting so many pictures of me
on here, especially 9 months pregnant.
It's not really my style.
But I knew I'd regret it if I didn't get some pics.
So my little photographer Sadie snapped some of me.
And there is even some of my face (cringe!)
 just to prove that it IS actually me
above that massive belly.

So I've hit that point.
The point where I'm ready to be done.
Don't get me wrong - I LOVE being pregnant
and I am so beyond grateful to be pregnant, 
especially this time.
But it's just time for this little guy to come out.
I have awesome pregnancies for the first 7 months,
but the last 2 months,
well, lets just say I could do without them.

I have been on a nesting rampage lately.
My mind can't seem to rest.
I go to bed thinking about all the projects and things
I need to do before this baby comes.
Yah I'm a little crazy.
But it's been fun and I've gotten tons of things done,
not to mention that it gets my mind off the fact
that I am a very uncomfortable 9-month pregnant lady.

ok this has to be one of my favorite pics of all time.
me and my baby girl.
It makes me kind of sad that she won't be my baby
for too much longer.
But I'm so excited for her because she is gonna completely 
die over this baby.

I can't even say how incredibly excited and anxious I am to meet my little boy. 
I still can't believe that he can come anytime now
(and hopefully he does come very soon!!) 
I can't wait to kiss those 
 little hands and feet
that have been kicking my ribs for the past 5 months.
I'm so excited to have a baby in our home again.
There is seriously nothing better!

have to do the heart on the belly pic

please excuse all the cheesy poses.
I just couldn't help myself.


Debbie said...

Pat love the pictures. You look hot, seriously. And not cheesy at all. Next baby you can take cheesy pics of me.. And cute clothes. Hopefully the babe makes his appearance sooner rather than later! I can't wait!!!

Jamey and Michelle said...

I'm obsessed with all of these pictures. Your belly is adorable. And you live in the dreamiest place ever.

Unknown said...

These are beautiful! Your farm really does look like a little piece of heaven too! Next time I'm pregnant I'll have to phone Sadie up to take picture for me! :) I need to talk to you sometime, I'm thinking of taking a introductory photo course at SAIT and buying a nice camera, but really I know nothing!

Baldersons said...

Patti these are awesome. You look so good. I bet you will be so glad to have these...love all the ones with you and Maysa. We are so excited for you and your new addition. Babies are the best! If you aren't too overwhelmed with a newborn when we come up, wanna take our fams pics? Or Sadie for that matter, she has talent!